We are happy to announce that each RUHS student is eligible for one COVID test kit. The iHealth COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Tests have been provided by the state of California and are free of charge to our students. Each RBUSD student will receive one box (which contains two COVID-19 tests).
In order to receive the test kit, a parent/guardian must be present for this drive-thru event, which will be held on One Sea Hawk Way, on the dates and times indicated below. Additionally, please bring a RBUSD student ID, report card/progress report, or show your PowerSchool home-screen.
9th and 10th grade students - Thursday 3:30 to 5:30 pm.
11th and 12th grade students - Friday 3:30 to 5:30 pm
We suggest that you use one test on Sunday, January 9th, to determine your readiness to attend school the following week. Use the remaining test at your discretion. Please use this form to report positive test results. RUHS Positive COVID Test Reporting. (Because the form asks you to upload photos, it requires the user to use a Google account. You can use any Google account for this purpose, even the one assigned to your student by the school. If you can't use Google for this purpose, call our attendance office to report a positive test.)
Other resources:
LA County Public Health COVID Information
We look forward to seeing you on your assigned pickup day. If you have students (grades 9-12 only) in more than one grade (or two pick up days), come on the day that best suits you.
If you are unable to participate in the scheduled pickups, a make up day will be available from 8:30 am to 11:30 am on Tuesday, January 11. There will be a table in the main parking lot situated near the bus pick up area. Enter on Sea Hawk Way and turn left into our main parking area. This will be a drive-thru event.
Also, please be advised that for students already on quarantine, a negative test will not expedite the quarantine or change the return to campus date. A student already on quarantine should save the test for a later time.