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RUHS Weekly Bulletin 2/13/23 - 2/17/23

RUHS Weekly Bulletin

2/13/2023 – 2/17/2023

Check out our Athletics event calendar here: 


MONDAY  2/13: C Schedule, periods 0,1,3,5

TUESDAY  2/14: B Schedule, periods 0,2,4,6

WEDNESDAY  2/15: C Schedule, periods 0,1,3,5

THURSDAY  2/16: B Schedule, periods 0,2,4,6





Would you like a chance to win a pair of BeachLife Festival tickets? AND a swag bag?? For the low, low price of $10 per raffle ticket?? 

You're in luck! PTSA will be at RUHS basketball games, in the Quad on Fridays at lunch, and at PTSA General Association meetings waiting to sell YOU the winning raffle ticket!
This is a $600 value, and PTSA member discounts are available. Not a member yet? You can 
join PTSA now for just $12!
Get the chance to see Gwen Stefani, Pixies, The Black Keys, and many more artists at BeachLife Festival 2023!
*See attached flyer for more details






Here Supporting parents in their efforts to help their kids reach their full potential and live healthy, fulfilled lives. South Bay Families Connected offers parents free resources, education and opportunities to connect.



Attention Students: Socal ROC Spring semester enrollment has begun! Earn high school elective credits while learning valuable skills that prepare you for college and/or an entry-level career. Courses are after school and FREE for high school students. FREE bus transportation is also available to and from our center for all RUHS students enrolled in our 1:15pm and 4:15pm classes. Your SoCal ROC career guidance specialist is available in the Nest to answer any questions every Thursday during 2nd period and snack. Add your name to the sign up sheet in the Nest to meet with her ASAP!



Hello Sea Hawk Families! Do you like to save money on fun? Do you like to support our PTSA? Do you like to do BOTH at the same time??
Presenting Fun Express, a great way for you to receive discounts on tickets to amusement parks, concerts, sports events, and more while making money for our PTSA! With the holidays just around the corner, what better way to enjoy your time with family and friends?
this website to purchase your tickets and support our PTSA now!



Please click on or scan the links below to take you directly to your existing Totem PTSA electronic membership account for easy renewal:

You may also make much appreciated donations (recommended at $75) using Totem or this PayPal link: 


Thank you for all you do to make RUHS the best place to learn!


Sea Hawks, please do your respectful part by keeping yourself and those around you safe. 


  1. Masking is now optional, however strongly recommended indoors and also outdoors in large crowds. Need a mask?  They are available in the Health Office.
  2. Maintain distance from others
  3. Frequently wash/sanitize your hands; especially before and after eating
  4. Actively answer the questions when passively screening before coming to campus
  5. Contact school personnel immediately (attendance office) upon COVID-19 symptoms, exposure, and/or positive test(s).

Attached Files