Parents » Attendance


Redondo Union High School recognizes the importance of communication when dealing with attendance policies.  If your student is absent, please contact the Attendance Office on the day of the absence at:


Attendance Office:     (310) 798-8665

x4018    OR    x4017


California Education code states that a student may be excused from school for the following reasons only:

  1. Illness – Excused up to 3 absences, consecutive. Doctor's note required after 3 absences. If a student shows a pattern of chronic absenteeism due to illness, physician verification of any further student absences may be required.
  2. Bereavement
  3. Quarantine
  4. Medical or dental appointment  – Doctor's note stating date and time of appointment is required upon return to campus. Absence not excused until note received.
  5. Political / civic event – Student must notify school ahead of absence. One absence is excused per year.
  6. Cultural ceremony / event
The school will also excuse the following:
  1. Court appearance
  2. Religious observance
  3. School business/activity.
Please note that teachers are not required to provide make-up work for unexcused absences. 
Please see a copy of the Attendance Codes for excused and unexcused absences when reviewing your student's attendance record in PowerSchool. Please note that Family Personal Necessity absences are unexcused.
Our Attendance Codes can be viewed here. Please allow up to 48 hours for attendance to be updated by our technicians. 


Average Daily Attendance Goal

Your student is a valued member of our learning community, and we need them in school. Every period or day a student is absent, they experience learning loss. To maximize student learning and achievement, we have set an Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Rate GOAL of 96% for the 2024-25 school year.  Please help us meet this goal by sending your student to school daily.  If you have an appointment during the school day, please either send your student to school before the appointment OR please drop them off after the appointment.  We are committed to providing your student with the best education possible. Thank you for partnering with us in this commitment by sending your student to school daily.



Students who are late to school should report directly to their first class.  Attendance is taken by our teachers during every period.  Teachers will mark students tardy if they are not in their assigned seat by the bell.  You may view your student’s attendance daily on our Parent Portal. Please make note of the following distinction:


TDY-tardy 30 minutes or less.                    31TD-tardy 31 minutes or more.


Leaving Campus

Students needing to leave campus for a pre-arranged appointment must first request an "Off-Grounds Permit" from the Attendance Office. Leaving school without permission will warrant a TRUANT. Families must sign out their student in the Attendance Office before leaving campus and present ID.  Students must be readmitted through the Attendance Office upon return.   A valid appointment note is needed to clear the partial day absence. 


Health Office Release

Students needing to leave campus for health reasons (not a prescheduled medical appointment) must be released from the Health Office. A parent/guardian must call the Health Office at x4034 to release a student. No students will be released via email or text. Parents/guardians must present ID when they pick up a student in person. Parent/guardian approval is required to release students to an emergency contact. Students who are 18 years old may sign themselves out. Students who are signed out ILL, or who sign themselves out ILL if 18 years old, are not able to return to school the same day.


Truancy or Excessive Absences

Truancy is defined as “students who are found off campus or out of bounds during class or break time without a valid excuse.” Truant students may be cited by the Redondo Beach Police Department. Students with excessive unexcused absences or tardies may not be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities. Additionally, excessive truancies or absences will be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).


Re-Admittance Procedures

If an absence is not called in to the office, students must bring a note clearing the absence to the Attendance Office on the day they return to school. It is important that all absences are cleared within five (5) school days.  Absences that are not cleared within 5 days will be permanently marked as CUT (truant). Students are encouraged to email teachers prior to returning to receive missed assignments for absences.


Extended Absences

Please contact the RUHS Attendance Office at [email protected] if your student will miss five (5) or more days due to serious illness, hospitalization, injury, or any other personal reason.


Attendance & Citizenship
Disclaimer: This is a summary of the information found in our Student Handbook. 
For complete information for any of these topics, please refer to the RUHS Student Handbook.
Be Present; Be On Time; Clear Your Absences
  • Consistent attendance creates better learning for all students.  The classroom is a community, and student participation strengthens that community.
  • Excellent attendance will be recognized this year.  Gift cards and drawings will occur throughout the year to celebrate students who are always here and on time.
  • Students with 3 or more unexcused absences will be referred to SART.
  • Student absences must be cleared within 5 days.
  • After the fifth day, uncleared absences are permanently recorded as a truancy. 

Think Before You Speak (or Post)
  • RUHS has a zero tolerance policy for bullying.
  • Bullying can occur in person, in writing, and online.
  • Bullying may include slurs, jokes, threats, displays of bigotry, hate speech, etc. 
  • Any interaction that makes a student feel targeted and/or unsafe will be viewed as bullying.
  • Cyber bullying will not be permitted regardless of when the incident takes place.
Social Media
Think Before You Speak (or Post)
  • Responsible use of technology and social media is key.  Your social media presence will follow you.
  • In recent news, online activity has led to college acceptance revocations, job loss, and at times criminal charges. 
  • Be conscientious about the content that is posted and shared – including pictures and videos. 
  • Students involved in extracurricular sports, clubs, etc. will lose privileges when found to engage in inappropriate social media usage.
Academic Honesty Pledge
Show Integrity; Do Your Personal Best


  • RUHS values integrity and expects students to show integrity in their daily work, including homework, tests, essays, and class assignments. 
  • Students found in violation of this will face progressive consequences including a zero on the assignment and a lowered citizenship grade.
  • Remember that integrity of work extends to online platforms as well.  Be aware of when a Google doc/electronic assignment is collaborative and when it should be completed independently.
Classroom Expectations

Be Respectful & Participatory

  • All students are expected to participate in the learning environment in a way that shows respect to self, peers, teachers, and property.  Student behaviors should allow learning to take place, and when a student’s behavior interferes with learning, consequences will be assigned by either the teacher and/or school administration.
Dress Code
Dress for Success
  • Expectations for the RUHS dress code are in the student handbook.
  • Students who are out of dress code will be asked to change and issued loaner clothing as needed.
  • Multiple infractions will result in guardian notification and additional consequences.
Drug Possession/Use
Be Safe & Sober
  • While under the jurisdiction of our school, students are not permitted to use, possess, be under the influence of, or distribute tobacco, drugs, or alcohol.  This includes legal, illegal, prescription, and over-the-counter drugs. 
  • Students who require the use of prescription or over-the-counter drugs should check in with the Health Office. 
  • Students who are over the age of 18 are still required to adhere to these policies. 
  • Students who do not meet these expectations will receive consequences up to and including suspensions, conditional enrollment contracts, and expulsions.
Cell Phone & Electronics Policy
Be Present; Focus on Your Learning
  • Students are welcome to use their cell phones before and after school and during snack, lunch, and passing periods. 
  • All phones should be off and in the student’s locker or backpack. 
  • Teachers retain the right to ask students to turn their phones in to a secure location at the start of class.
  • Bluetooth and external speakers are not permitted at RUHS at any time during the day.  
  • Students who use these speakers or who use their cell phones during class time will have their devices confiscated for the remainder of the day.