Cassandra Jones » Welcome to Ms. J's English Class

Welcome to Ms. J's English Class

Greetings, Sea Hawks! 

My name is Ms. Jones ("Ms. J"), and I teach both years of the AP Capstone (AP Seminar and AP Research) program in addition to being the teacher librarian at RUHS. 
My teaching philosophy is simple: learning should be a fun, messy, and challenging experience. In AP Capstone, we engage with the deep critical thinking and research paper writing skills required for college (and far beyond). If you're curious to learn more about the AP Capstone program, please reach out.
As the school librarian, I am always finding new ways to make RUHS a book-loving and well-informed community. Come by the library to join one of our reading challenges, to learn more about research, or to find a collaborative and safe space to study and chill. 
Libraries and Lollipops,
Ms. J